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No One Is Immune to Falling

By VP of Clinical Quality, Angie Wolff

One of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday morning is taking my pups for a walk. Even if it’s cold and snowing! The recent snowstorm in Kentucky was beautiful, but behind the white powdery layer was actually a layer of ice.  But that didn’t stop us from getting out for a walk. We were as prepared as we could be –donning all the gear to keep us warm, including our snow boots.  

As we walked, I commented to my husband that we should be careful walking in the snow as there were slick spots. I was being so careful! I am acutely aware in my role at Help at Home — that one of the leading causes of injuries in the US is falls. My dogs were doing a great job of not pulling me on their leashes. As we walked and talked, my husband pointed out an interesting fact about a nearby house and I took my eyes off the path for literally three seconds to take a look.  BAM-I went down hard. My husband says those burpees at the gym paid off. And, luckily only my pride was hurt.  

The good news is I was able to laugh about it. I consider myself a person with good balance and in good health. Even though I was being super careful, it reminded me that no one is immune to falling.  That’s why as the leader of Clinical Quality, my team is focused on quality and safety. Our top priority is – you guessed it — fall prevention. It’s a fact that accidents happen in activities as simple as taking your dogs out for a walk. But, we also know that educating and arming our caregivers with fall prevention tips ensure that it is top of mind as they help prevent client falls. Things like eliminating rugs in the home that can be fall hazards or installing railings on porch steps are examples of how falls can be prevented. Check out our Falls Prevention Resource page for more information. And, don’t forget to watch your step – especially in the snow.