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On March 21, 2024, one of HAH Group Holding, LLC’s (“Help at Home”) former third-party vendors informed Help at Home that it had discovered an incident resulting in the potential access and acquisition of certain data. Thereafter, the vendor advised Help at Home that the vendor reviewed the data to determine if the data contained individuals’ personal information. The vendor also advised Help at Home that the vendor notified law enforcement of the incident. On June 19, 2024, the vendor provided Help at Home with a list indicating that individuals’ personal information including, depending on the individual, their name, date of birth, Social Security number, financial account number, username and password, and/or certain medical, health insurance, and/or treatment information was included in the relevant data. On August 16, 2024, HAH began mailing notification letters to those individuals whose information was in the relevant data for whom HAH has a valid mailing address.

Individuals should refer to the notice they receive in the mail regarding steps they can take to protect themselves. HAH has arranged for complimentary credit monitoring for the individuals that had their Social Security numbers potentially involved. As a precautionary measure, individuals should remain vigilant to protect against potential fraud and/or identity theft by, among other things, reviewing their account statements and monitoring credit reports closely. If individuals detect any suspicious activity on an account, they should promptly notify the financial institution or company with which the account is maintained and report any fraudulent activity or any suspected incidents of identity theft to proper law enforcement authorities, including the police and their state’s attorney general. Individuals may also wish to review the tips provided by the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) on fraud alerts, security/credit freezes and steps that they can take to avoid identity theft. For more information, individuals may visit or contact the FTC at 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338) or Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580.

Further information and assistance is available via a confidential, toll-free inquiry line 833-251-9682 from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Central, Monday through Friday, excluding major U.S. holidays.