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Data Security Incident

Data Security Incident

Help at Home maintains robust policies governing the activities of the company and its directors, ocers and employees.

Many of these policies directly reflect our sustainability practices and priorities, touching on diverse matters such as human resources, compliance with healthcare laws, workplace health and safety, cybersecurity, privacy, conflict of interest and client protection.

In identifying candidates for membership on our board of directors, the nominating and corporate governance committee takes into consideration a number of factors. Our Board of Directors considers diversity across a number of categories, including diversity of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, education and geography as well as professional backgrounds. Four out of twelve directors are female, and three are persons of diverse backgrounds.

Review Our Governance Board Here

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Help at Home Has a Strong Record of Compliance

We take pride in our Code of Ethical Standards. We operate in an industry that is highly regulated at the federal, state and local levels. We strive to follow both the letter of the law, as well as the spirit of the law, within each of our states. Our commitment to compliance, integrity and values builds trust with our partners, ensures that we provide the highest quality of service to our clients and protects our brand. Help at Home operates within all applicable federal and state laws and complies with rules and regulations through a well-defined and published Code of Ethical Standards.

The Ethics, Compliance and HIPAA Privacy program is overseen by the Chief Ethics and Compliance Ocer and a Compliance Committee of the Board of Directors. All employees and representatives of Help at Home are required to conduct themselves in a way that supports the highest standards of ethics and integrity and to follow the standards set forth in our Code of Ethical Standards and our policies and procedures without exception.

With the program:

  • Our Code of Ethical Standards is routinely reviewed, updated and distributed annually companywide, with regular compliance auditing and monitoring to ensure adherence to appropriate ethical and legal standards in carrying out daily activities.
  • Our training and education program addresses the various components of the ethics and compliance program and effectively communicates Help at Home’s standards and procedures.
  • Well-publicized use is made of an anonymous third-party Help at Home Ethics Help Line and website for employees to communicate with the Chief Ethics and Compliance Ocer, ask questions or report potential violations. This promotes and fosters a culture of empowerment and encourages employees to “do the right thing.”
  • We have embedded Compliance, Integrity and Values in everything we do.

Company Culture to Match our Diverse Workforce

At Help at Home, we believe that Diversity & Inclusion are essential pillars in our mission to enable individuals to have Great Days with independence & dignity at home.

We have an established Diversity & Inclusion program with a dedicated leader to drive our strategy and direction in this area.

We are talented, diverse and foster an inclusive culture where all our clients and employees can feel a sense of belonging. We reflect the beauty of our employees and clients’ differences through intentional, thoughtful and respectful actions. We hold ourselves and our external partners accountable to this commitment. We believe that by valuing diversity and promoting equity, we empower individuals to lead lives of independence and dignity. Together, we strive to make every day a Great Day for everyone we serve.

Learn More About Our D&I Program